IDW '24


The 31st International Display Workshops

December 4-6, 2024
Sapporo Convention Center
Sapporo, Japan

IDW ’24 will be presented as an in-person-only event.

IDW consists of workshops technically categorized into specialized domains playing important roles in the information display technology and its application. Each workshop organizes its own sessions, which consist of oral presentations by invited/contributing speakers and poster presentations. There will also be demo sessions where you can see and experience actual devices or technologies related to the content of the presentations. The workshops should be of interest not only to researchers and engineers but also to those who manage companies and institutions in the information display community.

Deadlines and Key Dates
Regular Paper
Submission of Technical Summary Jun. 27, 2024
Acceptance Notification Aug. 2, 2024
Submission of Camera-Ready Manuscript Sep. 26, 2024
Late-News Paper
Submission of Camera-Ready Manuscript Sep. 25, 2024
Acceptance Notification Oct. 22, 2024

Announcement (click image to enlarge)

Jun. 1 Call for I4D Contest (Demonstration Contest for College of Technology Students) Detail
Jun. 1 2nd Announcement (leaflet) PDF
May 28 Open Access: Proceedings of IDW ’23 Website
Apr. 17 Call for Papers Detail
Mar. 14 1st Announcement (leaflet) PDF
Feb. 3 IDW ’23 Archive Detail
Jan. 22 IDW ’23 Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award, Outstanding Poster Paper Award, and I-DEMO Award Detail
Keynote Addresses

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Michitaka Hirose

The University of Tokyo, Japan

Dawn of Society 5.0
– VR · Generative AI · Metaverse –

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Jung H. Hah

SK Materials, Korea

Total Solution for Innovative Display Materials

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Barry Silverstein

Meta Platforms, USA

Unleashing the Power of AI in Augmented Reality: Redefining the Future of Display Technology

General Topics
  • 3D / Hyper-Realistic Displays
  • Active-Matrix Displays
  • Display Electronic Systems
  • Emissive Technologies
  • e-Paper
  • Flexible Electronics
  • Human Factor
  • Interactive Technologies
  • Liquid Crystal Science and Technologies
  • Manufacturing, Process and Equipment
  • Materials and Components
  • MEMS
  • OLED Displays and Organic Devices
  • Oxide-Semiconductor TFT
  • Projection and Large Area Displays
  • User Experience and Cognitive Engineering
Special Topics of Interest
  • AI and Smart Society
  • AR / VR and Hyper Reality
  • Automotive Displays
  • Micro / Mini LEDs
  • Quantum Dot Technologies
Topical Sessions
  • DX Sensing and Radiation Imaging
  • Image Sensing Technologies
  • Metaverse System
Conference Site
Sapporo City

The city of Sapporo in Hokkaido is the northernmost city designated by government ordinance in Japan with a population of about 2 million. The word “Sapporo” is originated from the Ainu (indigenous people of Japan) language. Sapporo is known for the functional grid of streets and avenues as a city modeled after Kyoto. Dishes using local Hokkaido produce and seafood also rank among the charms of Sapporo. Visitors can enjoy delicious food that includes fresh seafood, a wide range of fruits, and fancy confectionery.

JR Sapporo station is located about 45km from New Chitose Airport and it takes about 40 minutes by “Rapid Airport Train” from New Chitose Airport. Sapporo Convention Center is located about 3km from JR Sapporo station and about 8 minutes on foot from “Higashi-Sapporo” station (about 10 minutes by subway from Sapporo subway station).
Please see the following websites for further information.

Sapporo Convention Center
Sapporo City
JR Hokkaido (Hokkaido Railway Company)

Financial Supporters

(As of July 2, 2024)

Become a Sponsor

IDW ’24 Secretariat
c/o Bilingual Group Ltd.

11-1 Yochomachi, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 162-0055, Japan
