IDW '22


Information for Authors

The conference will be held in a hybrid style (in-person, on-demand and metaverse). Presenters and attendees can discuss directly and also use text chat tools.
The proceedings of IDW ’22 and recorded session videos will be available both during and after the conference to the conference attendees until late January 2023. In addition, a few months after the conference, the proceedings will be provided as an online open-access archive and each paper will be given a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Author Timeline
Format of Presentation

Presenters must come to the conference venue to make a presentation unless otherwise unable to attend in-person due to COVID-19 travel restrictions or if a presenter is an invited speaker. Please note that if the in-person conference is canceled due to COVID-19, IDW '22 will be turned into an online conference.

(1) Oral Presentations

The time allocated to each oral presentation is 20 minutes in principle, including a question and answer period. Please check the program for the fixed presentation time.
Immediately after the allotted session, an "Extended Q&A" where you can discuss with participants will be provided. Oral presenters are strongly urged to attend the Extended Q&A after the session in the aisle outside of the session room.

All oral sessions (excl. Extended Q&A) will be recorded and available for conference attendees until late January 2023. If a problem occurs in recording the oral presentation, the presenter may be asked later on to submit their presentation video for distribution.

(2) Poster Presentations

Poster presentations should follow an 80-minute format, and be given by individual presenters in front of their posters. Presenters must submit their poster file in PDF format. Poster PDFs will be available for on-demand viewing during and after the conference to the conference attendees until late January 2023.

Short Presentation
The poster presenters in the sessions organized by the following workshops must give a brief oral presentation with no discussion time. The presentations will not be recorded and will not be available for on-demand viewing.

  • Workshop on FPD Manufacturing, Materials and Components (FMC)
  • Workshop on Electronic Paper and Nonvolatile Displays (EP)

In case of COVID-19 Travel Restrictions

You must inform IDW in advance that you will be presenting online from here. If you change your presentation mode, please reapply. You can update it until your presentation date.

Oral Presentation
Presenters must attend and make their presentation in the assigned oral session using the Zoom meeting. Extended Q&A is not available.
Poster Presentation
Presenters must communicate with the participants via the text chat tool or e-mail throughout the duration of the conference.
Technical Summary

(1) Manuscript Instructions

Instructions and the template file for preparation of the Camera-Ready Manuscript are available from the specific page.

(2) Submission

Technical summary submission deadline is June 27, 2022 at 23:59 (UTC-10).
Technical summary must be submitted online via the submission site at
Please note that invited speakers should also submit the manuscript according to the submission procedures.

You will first have to create your author account (click on the link “Create an Account”) and register your information including e-mail address. An acceptance / reject notification will be sent to you via the registered e-mail address.

To start your submission, please log in to the created account and then click on the button “New Submission”.
Choose the closest matching STI, Topical Session or Scope that closely match your work. You can choose up to two.
Register all authors’ names, affiliations, presentation preference, the paper title and abstract. Next, upload the technical summary as a PDF file. Please confirm carefully that the paper title and the author information are correct before submitting.

For invited speakers, IDW will send an email, with information on the invitation code and Scope to select, which they will need to submit.

Please create an account and submit the technical summary from this page.

Submission of Technical Summary

The author information you registered will be used in the Final Program, the index of the proceedings and DOI data for the online proceedings, with no change. When the paper is successfully submitted, a “Your submission has been received” message will appear on the screen and you will also receive a submission confirmation e-mail. Please understand that the title may be edited by the program committee.

Camera-Ready Manuscript

All the accepted authors must submit a Camera-Ready Manuscript to be published in the conference proceedings. The authors can use their Technical Summary as a Camera-Ready Manuscript if it meets the format.

(1) Manuscript Instructions

Instructions and the template file for preparation of the Camera-Ready Manuscript are available from the specific page. Please check carefully if your manuscript meets the format.
The presentation title may be edited by the program committee. Make sure the title of your paper is the same as on the Advance program.

(2) Submission

Submission deadline: October 5, 2022 at 23:59 (UTC-10)

To start your submission, please log in to your account with the same ID and password created for your technical summary submission and follow the instruction. Please submit from here.

Submission of Camera-Ready Manuscript

The author information you registered will be used in the Final Program, the index of the proceedings and DOI data for the online proceedings, with no change.
When the manuscript is successfully submitted, a "Your submission has been received" message will appear on the screen and you will also receive a submission confirmation e-mail.
You can modify your registered information. However, you cannot change anything after the submission is closed.

Late-News Papers

A limited number of late-news papers on very important new findings or developments can be accepted. Authors are requested to submit a 2-4 page Camera-Ready manuscript on A4-sized paper accompanied by an abstract. For the manuscript, at least two pages must be completed with text and figures / tables / photographs.

Late-News Paper submission deadline: September 27, 2022 at 23:59 (UTC-10).

Presentation Instructions

Contributed presenters must come to the conference venue to make a presentation unless otherwise unable to attend in-person due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. If you are in such a situation, you must inform us in advance that you will be presenting online from here.

Invited speakers have the option to present in-person or online. Please inform us whether you will present in-person or online from here

Please refrain from coming to the conference venue if you have any signs/symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, or fever.

Please note that if the in-person conference is canceled due to COVID-19, IDW '22 will be turned into an online conference.

(1) Oral presentations

  • In-person presenter
    • All in-person presenters are requested to bring their own PC or device(s) for presentation which having display output interface with HDMI (Type A). Please bring your own adaptor, if necessary.
    • Video projectors are provided with 1920 x 1080 resolution and 60 Hz frame rate.
    • Pointing devices such as laser pointers will not be provided at the session room.
    • Arrive at the allocated session room 15 minutes before the start of your session and introduce yourself to the session chair, co-chair and moderators, and preview your presentation data. Note that there will be no Speaker Preparation Room at the conference site.
    • Mask may be removed while your presentation.
    • Please attend the Extended Q&A after the session in the aisle outside of the session room. You will find a sign allocated to you on site.
  • Online presenter (Applicants only)
    • Presenters make their presentations in the assigned oral session (live) using the Zoom meeting.
    • Presenters share their screens to control their presentations.
    • You will receive an email from IDW Secretariat with your Zoom login information for the session you will be presenting in the beginning of December. If you do not receive the email by Dec. 7, contact the IDW Secretariat (
    • Join the Zoom meeting 15 min before the start of the session.
    • Change your Zoom display name. (Rename "Paper number: Name" such as LCT10-1: John Doe)
    • Introduce yourself to the moderators and test your screen sharing as well as mic setting.
    • Online presenters are not allowed to ask questions to other presenters. This is because Chair is not monitoring the Zoom screen and will not be aware of any questions being asked.
    • Extended Q&A is not available.

(2) Poster presentations

  • Preparation of Poster
    • Graphically rich presentations of your research that highlight and summarize the main points are encouraged.
    • The recommended poster size is portrait A0 (84.1 cm wide x 118.9 cm height).
    • Place the paper title and all authors at the top of the poster.
    • Show a brief introduction, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions in a clear sequence.
    • Use easily read font shapes and sizes.
    • You can share your video or website for further explanations with a QR code on your poster or embedded link in your poster PDF.
  • Submission of Poster PDF
    • All the authors of poster presentations must submit their poster files in PDF format.
      Submit the "poster PDF file" from this page. Submission of Poster PDF
    • The deadline for submission is November 30, 2022 at 23:59 (UTC-10).
    • The poster PDF files are not downloadable and not printable on the online program. You should be aware that we cannot monitor whether attendees take photographs or screenshots of your presentation.
  • At the Conference Site
    • You are required to print your own poster and bring it to the venue (printing services will NOT be available on-site).
    • The poster boards will be accessible from 20 minutes before the start of each session.
    • Arrive at the session room no later than 15 minutes before the start time of the session.
    • Each board will be marked with the paper number identified in the program.
    • Place your printed poster on the designated board before the start of the session. Pins will be available in the session room. No paste, glue or staples are permitted.
    • No table and power supply are available.
    • At least one of the authors must always stand by your poster during the session to answer questions from attendees.
    • Please wear a mask during the presentation.
    • You must remove your poster from the board immediately after your poster sessions. IDW will not save abandoned posters.

Withdrawal Policy

If you withdraw your paper after the deadline for completion of the IDW '22 Proceedings or fail to present it at your scheduled session during the conference (i.e., no-show), your paper will not be included in the online open access archive. The Program Committee will add the paper number of the presentation to the list of papers NOT Presented at the IDW '22 on the IDW website.


Acceptance is subject to the following conditions. If these are not met, the Program Committee may withhold approval for your manuscript and remove your presentation from the conference program.

  1. Registration of the presenter's participation in IDW '22 and payment of registration fees must be completed by the due date stated in the notification e-mail of evaluation. Each presentation requires a registration fee.
  2. The authors must submit a Camera-Ready Manuscript of their presentation according to the format by the respective deadlines.
  3. Poster presenter must submit their poster file in PDF format.
  4. The maximum number of pages for the Camera-Ready Manuscript is four and at least two pages must be completed.
  5. All company or governmental permission must be obtained.
  6. The author must be the copyright holder or have written permission from the copyright holder for any material used in the paper. The use of trademarked items (company or product logos, images, and products name) is not permitted without permission.
  7. The Camera-Ready Manuscript submitted to the conference proceedings must not be published in any media, including personal websites before it is presented at the conference.

The copyrights of your submitted Camera-Ready manuscript will be transferred to ITE and SID. See the copyright terms and conditions. On the other hand, the copyrights of your recorded presentation and poster PDF will not be transferred. We will have the right to make it available online to the registered conference attendees until late January 2023.

Presenter Registration

Each presentation requires a registration fee. Registration with payment of the registration fee is required.
Please complete the registration via the registration page.

Presenter's Registration Deadline

Regular Paper Presenter: October 5, 2022 at 23:59 (UTC-10)
Late-News Paper Presenter: November 7, 2022 at 23:59 (UTC-10)

No refunds will be given for cancellations by presenters. However IDW will reimburse the registration fee as a result of an acceptance of the paper being canceled by the IDW program committee.

I-DEMO for All Oral and Poster Presenters

I-DEMO (Innovative Demonstration Session) offers an opportunity for an interdisciplinary technical demonstration and discussion in a large area and stable power environment. We highly encourage a wide variety of demonstrations, from leading-edge hardware to state-of-the-art software techniques as well as entire display systems.

IDW Awards

The award committee of IDW will select the Best Paper, Best Student Paper, Outstanding Poster Paper and Outstanding Demonstrations from those presented at IDW '22. The paper awards shall be granted on the basis of the excellence of the paper, and the presentation and discussion of them. The award winners will be announced at the Awards ceremony to be held on December 20 at 1:00 p.m. at the Metaverse site, and will be posted on the IDW website afterwards. The award winners will receive a plaque after the conference.

Extended Paper for Journals

Some papers will be recommended for submission as extended papers to the Special Section of the Journal of the ITE, the Journal of the SID, and the IEICE Transactions on Electronics.

IDW ’22 Secretariat
c/o Bilingual Group Ltd.

2F 11-1 Yochomachi, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 162-0055, Japan
