The conference will be held in a virtual format. Presenters and attendees can discuss via video/audio or text communication tools.
The proceedings of IDW '21 and recorded session videos will be available both during and after the conference to the conference attendees until January 24, 2022. In addition, a few months after the conference, the proceedings will be provided as an online open-access archive and each paper will be given a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Accepted papers will be assigned by the program committee for either oral or lightning talk in the most suitable session. You can indicate your preferred format at the summary submission.
Presentation Type | Pre-Recorded Presentation Video |
Live Q&A (without Screen Sharing) |
Text Q&A | Extended Live Q&A (with Screen Sharing) |
Enhanced Discussion |
Oral | 15 min | 5 min | optional | 20 min | optional |
Lightning Talk | 5 min | N/A | mandatory | N/A | optional |
(1) Oral Sessions
Oral sessions will be live sessions with pre-recorded presentation videos and live Q&As. You are expected to attend the session. Immediately after the allotted session, a virtual room will be assigned to each presenter for an "Extended Live Q&A" where you can show your presentation slides.
(2) Lightning Talk Sessions
Pre-recorded presentation videos will be open to the conference attendees as soon as the conference begins. The presenters are requested to communicate with attendees via the online text communication tool on the program site (confit). We will set up the core time of text Q&A.
Enhanced Discussion (option for all presenters)
We will provide individual virtual discussion rooms to facilitate face-to-face discussions. You can show your additional presentation slides and videos of your concept, prototypes and products related to your paper.
Note: The enhanced discussions may take place before your oral presentation.
All sessions will be recorded and available for conference attendees until January 24, 2022.
Note: Extended live Q&A and enhanced discussions will not be recorded.
The conference will be held using the Zoom platform for presentation and the online text communication tool to communicate with attendees. All the authors must submit a "pre-recorded presentation video file" prior to the conference.
(1) Oral presentations
(2) Lighting Talk presentations
The authors must make a "prerecorded presentation video file" prior to the conference and submit it.
Information about how to prepare your prerecorded presentation video is available from here.
Please note that if you are unable to meet this deadline, your presentation at IDW '21 will be canceled.
Submit the "prerecorded presentation video file" from this page.
The authors will be notified of the results of their Technical Summary review via e-mail. Upon acceptance of the paper, the authors must prepare a Camera-Ready Manuscript to be published in the conference proceedings. The authors can use their Technical Summary as a Camera-Ready Manuscript if it meets the format. In addition, the authors must prepare a pre-recorded video of their presentation. Acceptance is subject to the following conditions. If these are not met, the Program Committee may withhold approval for your manuscript and remove your presentation from the conference program.
The copyrights of your submitted Camera-Ready manuscript will be transferred to ITE and SID. See the copyright terms and conditions. On the other hand, the copyrights of your pre-recorded presentation will not be transferred. We will have the right to make it available online to the registered conference attendees until January 24, 2022.
Registration fees are not refundable for any reason, including to: