Conference Record of IDW '09


Name 16th International Display Workshops
Date December 9-11, 2009
Conference Site World Convention Center Summit, Miyazaki, Japan
Number of participants 1293

Workshop on LC Science and Technologies (LCT)

Workshop on Active Matrix Displays (AMD)

Workshops on FPD Manufacturing, Materials and Components (FMC)

Workshop on Plasma Displays (PDP)

Workshop on EL Displays and Phosphors (PH)

Workshop on Field Emission Display and CRT (FED)

Workshop on Organic LED Displays (OLED)

Workshop on 3D/Hyper-Realistic Displays and Systems (3D)

Workshop on Applied Vision and Human Factors (VHF)

Workshop on Projection and Large-Area Displays, and Their Components (LAD)
Workshop on Electronic Paper (EP)
Workshop on MEMS for Future Displays and Related (MEMS)
Workshop on Display Electronics and Systems (DES)
Topical sessions

Topical Session on Flexible Displays(FLX)

Topical Session on Input Technologies (INP)

Number of papers1) 555 (incl. 76 Late-news Papers)
Number of oral presentations 299

Number of poster presentations


IDW Best Paper Award

11 papers (see detail)

IDW Outstanding Poster Paper Award

22 papers (see detail)
Withdrawn papers after the camera-ready submission2) LCTp1-5L, PHp-22L, 3Dp-1, VHFp-18L
Not presented papers at the Conference3) LCTp2-2, PDPp-12
Final Program Download (PDF, 1.7MB)

1) Withdrawn and not presented papers are excluded.
2) Withdrawn papers before the deadline were shown in the Final Program.
3) Although the papers were published in Proceedings of IDW '09, the authors did not appear during alloted time slot. The IDW committee does not approve these papers as a IDW paper.